Some ideas of what you can make
Beginners projects;
- Stakes and tent pegs
- Spatulas and butter knifes
- Forks for pickles, olives and chips
- Simple spoon for cereals, ice cream,porragde and yogurt
- Handles for garden tools ( spades shovels, brushes, rakes )
- Handles for hand tools ( hammers, axes, etc )
- Wooden mallets
- Walking sticks
- Gypsy roses
- Door wedges (small wedges for tool handles and stool legs)
- Children's play swords, daggers and wands
- Rustic animals (dogs, reindeer's, etc)
- Coat hangers, hooks and clothes pegs
- Besom broom
More advanced projects;
Stool and chair legs
- Rustic furniture
- Picture frames and mirrors
- Gates, fencing and trellis
- Archery bows and arrows
- Trug baskets, yurts and coracle